The curatorial criteria with which the projects for this edition of Campo Artfest 2020 were selected intends to integrate some of the themes that emerged throughout this year, imposing challenges on all of us in the midst of sustained uncertainty. Addressing these issues from creative practices, however, enabled a particular space for experimentation and the consolidation of disciplinary transversality in the field of visual and performative practices.
The selection that we present here is characterized by their willingness to investigate, they are artists with diverse backgrounds, who present projects that question their own work as creators, and that investigate new languages and new ways of connecting with audiences and communities. In this group of artists there is a tradition of crossovers with biology, architecture, psychology and sociological disciplines of inquiry into the way in which culture relates to broader dynamics of social interaction. It is a heterogeneous group, which has nevertheless had innumerable instances of collaboration and construction of projects in common in the past.
Curatorial Team:
Andrea Arobba, Martín Craciun, Patricia Bentancur
The curatorial criteria with which the projects for this edition of Campo Artfest 2020 were selected intends to integrate some of the themes that emerged throughout this year, imposing challenges on all of us in the midst of sustained uncertainty. Addressing these issues from creative practices, however, enabled a particular space for experimentation and the consolidation of disciplinary transversality in the field of visual and performative practices.
The selection that we present here is characterized by their willingness to investigate, they are artists with diverse backgrounds, who present projects that question their own work as creators, and that investigate new languages and new ways of connecting with audiences and communities. In this group of artists there is a tradition of crossovers with biology, architecture, psychology and sociological disciplines of inquiry into the way in which culture relates to broader dynamics of social interaction. It is a heterogeneous group, which has nevertheless had innumerable instances of collaboration and construction of projects in common in the past.
Curatorial Team:
Andrea Arobba, Martín Craciun, Patricia Bentancur
El criterio curatorial con el que se seleccionaron los proyectos para esta edición de Campo Art Fest/2020 se propone integrar algunas de las temáticas surgidas a lo largo de este año que nos impuso a todos, desafíos en medio de una sostenida incertidumbre. Sin embargo, abordar estas problemáticas desde las prácticas creativas, habilitó un espacio particular para la experimentación y la consolidación de transversalidades disciplinarias en el campo de las prácticas visuales y performativas.
La selección que aquí presentamos se caracteriza por su disposición a investigar, se trata de artistas de diversa trayectoria, que presentan proyectos que cuestionan su propia labor como creadores y que indagan en nuevos lenguajes y nuevas formas de vincularse con las audiencias y colectividades. En este conjunto de artistas hay una tradición de cruces con la biología, la arquitectura, la psicología y disciplinas sociológicas de indagación sobre la forma en que la cultura se relaciona con dinámicas más amplias de la interacción social. Se trata de un grupo heterogéneo, que sin embargo ha tenido innumerables instancias de colaboración y de construcción de proyectos en común en el pasado.
Equipo Curatorial:
Andrea Arobba, Martín Craciun y Patricia Bentancur